Liquid hammer softener can produce great results

On higher end pianos, our first instance is to think around needling, but being a delicate process, it is hard to justify the work on upright pianos that sound harsh. I cam across the softener years ago, I assumed it was a lazy mans voicing. First tests were carried out with great caution, as we’d […]

Purchased a piano, here’s how to take care of your new instrument

Humidity – pianos are made of wood Humidity control is the number one factor for keeping your piano healthy. The bridge (where the strings make contact with the soundboard), soundboard (the heart of the tone of the piano), the keys, the tuning system, is made of mostly wooden parts. To keep your piano healthy, keep […]

Bridge cracking is a serious problem

Function of the bridge The bridge on a piano is one of the key components in the making of tone in a piano. The string goes all the way down from the pin to the striking point, where it is hit by the hammer. Those vibrations are passed down the bottom of the piano to […]

Buying Advice

Go for tone & touch It might sound obvious to say” Get the best tone and touch you can”. After all, isn’t that what we are all looking for? However, I have seen many people go for a lesser brand based on price. For perhaps 1/3 less, you can get a black piano made more […]

Mellow vs bright tone

Types of tone Pianos have certain types of tone, there is smooth tones, bright tones. Sometimes hammers can age and compress, and the hammer can sound ‘harsh’. Other pianos come out of the factory with a smooth soft tone. Wool providers materials change, and so do the resulting hammers. Voicing It is more like your […]

Why we don’t sell spinets

The main reasons we don’t sell spinets is that they are difficult to repair. What I mean is, the way they are designed, doesn’t lead well to ease of access to the many parts on the mechanism. Spinets have a system in them called an elbow, the action is dropped into the piano, beneath the […]